Monday 29 June 2015

Coffee morning at the Library

Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, from 10 til 12, you are invited to come and join us for a coffee morning in the church. Refreshments available for donations to church funds. You can chat about books you have read, browse and borrow books or just come along to be sociable.

JULY 8th

The library is free to use and is open dawn to dusk daily except during church services and events.

Saturday 6 June 2015

Arlington Village Library

The Arlington Village Library is now up and running following the launch event
with tea and cakes on Saturday 6th June. 

Situated at the rear of St Pancras Church in the heart of the village,
the library is open during daylight hours  (except during church services and events)
and is free to use - donations to church funds are always welcome.

You may borrow a book to take home or read it in the peace and tranquillity
of the church or the churchyard. While you are in the church, please do take the
time to have a look around and read up about its history.

There are a wide variety of titles from fiction, non-fiction, reference and children's books.

We ask you to return the books within a reasonable time and to leave the library tidy.

If you would like to donate more books to the library, please call Josie on 01323 485153.