Tuesday 4 June 2013

Cultural Exchange with Ponches-Estruval in France

Through Interreg funding in 2008 we are 'twinned' with the parish of Ponches Estruval in Picardy, France.

Josie Tipler and Anne Howard from the Arlington Arts group visited in 2010 and returned this year with Jim Tipler, musician from Arlington, to Ponches to take part in their Festival De Musique et D'Art.

Here are some of the photos.

We will invite some French musicians and artists from the region to visit our next Arlington Arts Festival - several musicians, artists and representatives from the region came to our festival in 2011.

Art exhibition in Dompierre
Concert in Dompierre
2nd from right, Michele Vienne, Chair of
Les Amis du Patrimoine Ponchois et Valee d'Authie