Tuesday 4 June 2013

Cultural Exchange with Ponches-Estruval in France

Through Interreg funding in 2008 we are 'twinned' with the parish of Ponches Estruval in Picardy, France.

Josie Tipler and Anne Howard from the Arlington Arts group visited in 2010 and returned this year with Jim Tipler, musician from Arlington, to Ponches to take part in their Festival De Musique et D'Art.

Here are some of the photos.

We will invite some French musicians and artists from the region to visit our next Arlington Arts Festival - several musicians, artists and representatives from the region came to our festival in 2011.

Art exhibition in Dompierre
Concert in Dompierre
2nd from right, Michele Vienne, Chair of
Les Amis du Patrimoine Ponchois et Valee d'Authie

Monday 27 May 2013

£2088! Thank you

Thank you to everyone who grew and donated plants for the St Pancras plant stall this year, and thank you to all the visitors to the Arlington Bluebell Walk who purchased those plants. Also sold were hand-crafted items and cards. A fantastic £2088 was raised for St Pancras Church - thank you.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Church tours, live music, flower.

As part of the Arlington Arts Festival, on Friday 21st. Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June there will be Guided tours and music in St Pancras Church 12.30pm. Also flower display in the church. Do pop in.

Sunday 31 March 2013

Bluebell Walk - Plant Stall & Refreshments

Bluebell Walk - Plant Stall & Refreshments

It's coming up to that time of year again when the members of St Pancras Church run their annual Plant Stall at the popular Arlington Bluebell Walk. This is one of the biggest fund raising events of the year and is the culmination of weeks of preparation of seeds being grown and cuttings being taken - there will be a great selection of plants at very reasonable prices.
Please come along and support the stall from 11th April to 19th May at Bates Green,  Tye Hill Lane, Arlington

On 4th, 5th and 6th May, we are also helping to run the refreshments in the barn - come along for your tea or coffee and buy a delicious homemade cake, sandwich or sample some warming soup.

Entrance to the refreshments barn is free,

URGENTLY NEEDED - Plants, volunteers to assist with the plant stall throughout the duration of the Bluebell Walk, offers of cakes and assistance for the refreshments. Please contact us by email:
Plant stall

Times we are open

10.00am until 5.00pm (Not Mondays, except Bank Holidays)

Public Transport


Yes you can bring them with you (on leads)- more information

Car Parking

Cars can be parked FREE in a large field opposite the Bluebell Walk entrance
Disabled designated spaces close to Walk entrance

Entrance Charges

Individual, family or group rates

Entrance to the refreshments barn is free